速報APP / 醫療 / HELBO T-Controller

HELBO T-Controller



檔案大小:4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:德語, 英語

HELBO T-Controller(圖1)-速報App

HELBO® T-Controller

The HELBO® T-controller app has been developed to demonstrate the procedural steps of antimicrobial photodynamic HELBO® therapy on the iPAD.

It is only suitable for users of the HELBO® therapy system.

The HELBO® T-controller iPAD app vividly demonstrates both acoustically and visually:

1. The required contact time after staining of up to 32 teeth, depending on the indication

2. The required light exposure time depending on the indication

Both the dental team and the patient benefit from this innovative form of presentation of the treatment steps of the HELBO®-therapy that controls bacterial infections in the mouth.

Manuals on how to proceed in the app in German, English, Italian, French and Spanish are included.

Note: This program has been developed for training purposes and is not approved for clinical use.

Website to describe the HELBO®-therapy to control bacterial infections in the mouth: www.helbo.de
